The Pineapple Diet - A Fad Diet

The Metzger pineapple diet (also known by many other names like the pineapple detox diet, or the pineapple and tuna diet) is a popular supplemental eating program that was started by Joann Metzger. This particular weight loss plan is not widely accepted as a healthy main stream diet, and is in fact very controversial.

The grouping of the pineapple diet as a fad does have some validity. While some people have claimed success using this plan of attack, critics often argue that this particular eating habit is just a thinly veiled starvation diet. This claim is generally true of any diet that only allows dieters to eat one or two foods over any amount of time.

While there are may different forms of the pineapple diet, the original one created by Metzger was meant as a three day crash to lose quick weight, and not as a full time eating plan. The "new" versions of this that can be found online can be confusing for individuals who aren't familiar with it, and even without those potential disagreements and problems, there is still an on going argument over whether you have to have fresh pineapple or if canned pineapple works, and what the actual eating plans are.

The theory is between the no fat, only natural fruit carbs, high fiber, and special enzymes that a person should lose 5 lbs or more in this short time. Then for a week or two eat more normally, but responsibly, and then repeat to take off the tough pounds one chunk at a time.

There are many modern versions of this diet, some that include pineapple at every meal, some as a three time a day snack, and others that involve pills to be taken three times daily. There are many claims about this plan that haven't been figured out yet, and there is a lot of criticism that the pineapple diet has no scientific basis and is just a poorly disguised starvation weight loss plan.

The jury is stil out on this weight loss plan, but the pineapple diet is a fad diet that seems likely to be around for a while.

And if you would like to know more about the pineapple diet please come visit my blog on negative calorie diets.
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