Healthy Snacks To Boost Your Work Out Routine

Two of the most important components of any health care plans are workout routine and healthy diet. Whether you want to lose weight, grow muscles, or simply change to a healthier lifestyle, these two should complement each other.

To boost your workout routine or help you lose weight, there are super foods out there that are good for snacks. They not only give you the nutrients you need to sustain your energy, but they also even keep you fit and sexy. Below are some best ones you should know.

Peanut Butter and Apples
Try this duo instead of the usual banana and peanut butter combination. Apples will boost your immune system and you can get enough protein from peanut butter. For those losing weight, eating apple before meal is a way to eat less.

Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita
Replenish glycogen stores after you've worked out with this healthy snack. Hummus will supply you the needed carbs and protein for muscle tissue repair while you get the fuel you need from pita.

Tuna on Whole Wheat
This a more filling snack compared to a burger. Make your own tuna on whole wheat sandwich with olive oil and lemon juice.

Roast this bean with cherry tomatoes or serve it hot or cold with a bit of salt for a snack. Filled with fiber, edamame will keep you from craving sugars and supply you protein for the growth of lean muscle mass.

Just make sure it isn't loaded with processed ingredients. Eat this minus the excess oil and salt. Serve it the old-fashioned way using olive oil or coconut oil.

Choose yogurt without added sugar. Yogurt is a rich source of proteins and vitamins and it facilitates digestion and absorption of food items. Calcium in yogurt prevents fat cells in your body from pumping more cortisol, a hormone responsible for cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity.

Dark Chocolate
Kick your metabolism into high gear to burn fat and calories with this favourite snack. Make sure to reach for the dark stuff though, choose dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content or higher.

Berries like strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry are known for their rich nutrients and health benefits. Serve them fresh or make your smoothies using these fruits. Smoothies are perfect for boosting your workout routine.

Eating snacks is good provided that you choose the right food. Instead of loading your body with snacks that are full of sodium and processed sugar, try the above mentioned super foods. Boost your work out routine with a healthy diet.
Avoid eating snacks that adversely affect your overall health and well-being. Discover more healthy snacks here.
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