Juice Fasting For Weight Loss Guide

If you are guilty of trying all known diets in the book and yet still feel that they don't work for you, then maybe it is time to try this new way of eating your fruits and vegetables. Juice fasting for weight loss is a relatively new strategy. The idea behind this method is that instead of eating a whole meal consisting of meat and grains, you substitute it with organic fresh fruits and vegetables that have been liquefied or have been turned into juices.

With juice fasting, you have to consume about 32-64 ounces of juice in a day. This amount will have to be equally divided in a day. In a meal, you can opt to drink about 8-12 ounces of juice and the rest can be divided in between meals just so you don't hunger yourself. You do not have to limit yourself with the common flavors of juice, it is actually advisable that you mix up fruits and vegetable juices so that you can get more nutrients.

When making fruit juices, you should avoid using those canned or processed ones. Always drink only fresh juices. The reason why you need to avoid processed or canned fruit juices is that they usually contain high amounts of sugar, additives, and preservatives. There are a variety of fruits that you can turn into juices, these include: apples, cantaloupes, strawberries, grapes, guava, watermelon, and pears.

Vegetables on the other hand may prove to be a challenge when juicing. So it may be a good idea to spend a few dollars and purchase a great juicer in order to maximize the amount of juice you can get in one vegetable. Some of the vegetables which makes for great and healthy juices are: beets, broccoli, celery, ginger roots, carrots, spinach, watercress, cucumber, and even parsley.

If you are not comfortable in drinking vegetable juices, you can substitute it with vegetable broth. Ready made broth is not to be used, again it is best that you make it yourself in order to ensure its "freshness". You just have to cut your vegetables into cubes and throw it in a pot with water. When making vegetable broth, never mix in oil or other seasonings in order to avoid stimulating your digestive system.
When juice fasting, try not to limit yourself to the common fruits and vegetables. Try to discover different mixtures or recipes for juices in order to make the taste more tolerable. If done right, juice fasting can actually be an answer to your problems with weight loss.

Jacob Reed has a passion for nutrition and he has learned a lot about it. He has more information about juice fasting weight loss [http://www.naturalcurefood.com/juice-fasting-weight-loss/] on his website at [http://www.naturalcurefood.com/] where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jacob_Reed/648783

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