Banana and Milk Diet - A Simple Solution For Weight Loss

Looking to shed a few pounds quickly? Think about the banana and milk diet. This diet may seem like just another fad, but if done correctly, it's actually a great way to lose weight. Critics of the diet claim it's akin to starvation and will not give results long term, which is true if you try to stick to just bananas and milk for too long. But if you don't overdo it and adhere to the following updated version of the diet, then you'll see results and stay healthy.

The banana and milk diet became popular in the 1950s, when doctors and nutritionists first wrote about the dietary value of milk and bananas. For weight loss, these two ingredients provide the body with all the nutrients it needs-potassium, carbohydrates and protein, to name a few. Traditionally, the diet calls for eating only three bananas and three glasses of milk per day for about a week. This traditional regimen will lead to weight loss-at a price. It's unhealthy to limit your caloric intake for such an extended period of time. And with this basic method, it's likely that the weight will come right back after the diet is abandoned.

A modified version of the banana and milk diet is safer and works better in the long run, although pounds will be dropped more slowly. Just follow this daily weight loss diet plan: you eat only bananas and milk for two meals of every day. For the third meal, usually dinner, you can eat whatever you like as long as it fits in a standard-sized coffee mug. Allowing yourself to eat something new for dinner will make the diet more interesting and provide your body with the extra calories and nutrients it needs. But restricting this meal to the size of a coffee mug will keep your portions in control and ensure that your daily caloric intake remains in the weight-loss zone.

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