Simple Weight Loss!

Here are some simple weight loss techniques you can use TODAY. Don't wait until tomorrow. Start testing out these easy, yet very powerful tactics that have been proven to get quick weight loss results. This articles has information that you need... so take 2 minutes to read it.

Simple Weight Loss
1. Use cold water for 20 seconds in the shower
Hey! I'm not asking you to use cold water for the whole shower. So relax. Does the feeling you get from cold water on your skin suck? Absolutely! Does being fat suck? Double absolutely! So which would you prefer? Do you want to be fat and comfortable or do you want to lose weight and be uncomfortable for 20 seconds a day?

Pretty simple choice.
All you do... take your normal shower. After you're done, rinse your body with cold water. You only need to do this for 20 seconds. Why do this? Ever hear of something called THERMOGENESIS? That's when your body goes into a fat burning state. This is what cold water does to the body.
Do this everyday with your showers.

2. Do lots of bodyweight squats during tv commercials
Bodyweight squats are a great weight loss exercise when you do them at a really fast pace. Now, you probably know that most commercial breaks last between 2-3 minutes. Is this not a perfect time to exercise? I'll answer that for you. IT IS. All I ask of you is to take 2 commercial breaks and do as many bodyweight squats as you can do as fast as possible. I don't ask anything more of you.
If you can get over 100 reps, great. If not, keep trying. Do these everyday. Heck, it only takes you about 5 minutes. Don't use excuses. Now is the time to transform your body. There is no other better time to lose weight.

This is simple weight loss made easy for you.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
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If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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