Powerful Tips To Aid A Weight Loss Strategy

Tip 1: Set mini goals each week. A mini goal can be something as simple as just reducing the amount of fizzy pop you have on any given day or be walking the dog for an extra 10 minutes per day, 3 times a week.

Tip 2. Wake up early and start the day with a highly nutritious breakfast. If you start the day of with a breakfast that is full of low nutritional value food, then your energy levels will dip and you will be less efficient during the day to get things done.

Tip 3. Ensure you eat every 3 to 4 hours at maximum to keep energy levels up and avoid over eating. If you only eat 3 times a day (breakfast, Dinner and Lunch) you are more than likely over eat and take large portions on each meal and thus more likely to increase calorie intake.

Tip 4. Make 10 minutes each day for exercise. Now this does not have to be a workout of any sort, this can be something as simple as walking the dog or doing basic house chores. The more active you become in your lifestyle the easier the weight is to lose.

Tip 5. Drink water each time you have some food. Drinking water with every meal you have, be it a sandwich or plate of chicken and pasta will help you stay fuller for longer.

Tip 6. Reduce the amount of time you watch TV or play computer games each day. There is nothing wrong with watching your favourite TV show when it is on, or playing your favourite computer games, however this habit can lead to problems, such as binge eating and drinking as well as emotional eating. You should try and limit yourself to around 1.5 hour maximum day to watch tv, if you are serious and committed to losing weight.

Tip 7. Find a training partner or exercise buddy. Exercise is not the most important aspect of a successful weight loss strategy, but it can be very beneficial and speed up the process if done correctly. The amazing benefit to having a training partner is that you can feed of each others motivation, you can also give each other challenges and you can use your workout partner as a competition towards your goals. It is key to find someone that is going for similar goals to yourself and has the same kind of energy and enthusiasm as you otherwise you may be wasting your time.

Tip 8. Keep a food diary for discipline. To lose weight you will need to monitor your eating habits closer than you would normally do. The most effective way to do this is to keep a simple food diary. Simply right down each day what you eat and what time of day you ate the food. When you are aware off the food that you are eating each day, this gives you more confidence and awareness of what you are doing right and what changes you may need to make to get the results that you want.

Tip 9. Avoid eating too late at night. When you eat too late at night, the metabolism will slow right down and the calories that you take in late in the day will most likely be stored as fat and thus promote weight gain.

Tip 10. Aim to eat more protein. Protein is the building blocks of muscle so this will help you build lean muscle mass, that it if you are doing some weight training or strength training. Protein also helps with fat loss. Good sources of protein include eggs, tuna, chicken, salmon, nuts

Tip 11. Always stay positive even when you have a bad day. You will have man days where things are not going your way, but then you will get days when you hit a goal. The key is to stay persistent and committed. Slow progress is always better than no progress.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ashley_Hubbard/2032333

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