How to Lose Weight Fat

When a person is looking to lose weight they want to do so in a short amount of time. There are some ways to get the metabolism going and help jump-start the weight loss program. There are some tips on how to lose weight quickly.

Take A Break
When performing one hour of cardio it is recommended to take a quick 20 minute break around the half way point of the workout. People that took this short break lost 20% more fat than people who did not.
Limit the Salt Intake
Salt retains water in the body. A person that eats a diet that is high in salt is able to retain 50 percent more water than those that have a diet low in salt. If a person watches their salt intake they can decrease their water weight.

Drink Water
Water will help flush out the fat cells that are stored in the body. Water will also help improve the functioning of the kidneys so they are more able to flush out the stored fat.
Green Tea
Drinking three to five cups of green tea has also been shown to help with weight loss. People that drink green tea are able to burn off 40% more fat during the course of the day.

Eat Protein
Eating a diet that is high in protein will help jump-start the fat burning process. The body has to use 30% of the calories in protein in order to digest it. Protein can also help increase the feeling of fullness. A person will feel full for a longer period of time reducing the total amount of calories they consume.
Never Skip Meals
Skipping meals will never make you lose weight faster. That strategy will backfires because your body thinks food is in limited supply, so it slows down your metabolism in order to try to conserve energy. Over time, the result is that when you do ingest food even if you consume the same type of food as always your body will be much slower and use the calories as fuel, creating a backlog of undesirable pounds. If a busy day makes a sit-down meal unimaginable, put a couple power bars or a couple chunks of fruit in your purse or briefcase anything that will keep you from going hungry.

These are just some tips for quick weight loss. While it may take some time for a person to get down to their desired weight these tips can help jump-start a person's weight loss program.
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