6 Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat - These Exercises Are Simple and Most Effective to Lose Stomach Fat

Here are 6 exercises to lose stomach fat that you can combine with 20 minutes of aerobics 3-4 times a week to give you the results you want. These exercise are not gender specific, any male or female can do them to get a sexier stomach.

1) Thin Tummy
Set up
Lie face-up on the floor, with your knees bent and your feet flat. Place both hands under your belt line, with your fingers heading down into the pubic area and thumbs place higher on the rectus abdominis (upper- abdominal region)

Contract your lower abdominal muscles, "thinning" your tummy from your belly button down. Your upper-abdominal muscle should be hollow (not contracted and pushed out). Hold this position for 5 seconds and relax. Use your fingers to provide feedback. Initially you may struggle to even find the muscles you want to contract but with practice, you'll not only find them but also learn to control their contraction. This is the key to developing these muscles and improving posture. At first you may find your self holding your breath, which is natural. It is important to learn to breath while performing this exercise.

2) Side Raise
Lie with your back on the floor, with your knees together and bent to about 90 degrees. Roll your knees to one side so they're on the floor, make sure you keep your shoulders and head flat on the floor. Have your hands touching opposite shoulders by crossing them over your chest.

Flex your trunk toward the roof taking 2 seconds to lift, 1 second pause and 2 seconds to lower.

3) Lateral Leg Lowering
Lie face-up on the floor, keep your legs together in the air (90 degrees to your body.) Make sure your head is flat on the floor and do not lift during the workout no matter how tempting it is.

Lower your legs to one side, going all the way down to but not resting on the floor and keeping that at a 90- degree angle to your upper body. Keep your head and upper body still. Lift you leg back to the vertical to complete the rep, then lower them over to the other side in the same way.

4) Curl up
Lie face-up on the floor with your knees bent about 90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor. Don't anchor your feet under anything.

Slowly raise your torso at a constant speed without jerking or accelerating through any part of the movement. Lower yourself just as smoothly and deliberately. There are many variations such as:
o Arms straight and parallel to Floor
o Hands on opposite elbows
o Hands on opposite shoulders
o Hands on forehead

5) Toes to Sky
Lie faceup on the floor, arms outstretched at 90 degree angles to your torso. Life Your legs straight up so they're together and vertical.

Lift your pelvis as far as you can off the floor while keeping your legs vertical, and hold for the duration specified in your particular workout. Lower your hips.

Performance tips
The range of motion will be small- even the most accomplished exerciser won't be able to lift his pelvis more than a few inches off the floor. So don't compromise the described form to get more lift.
Keep you head still. You may bee inclined to lift it, but resist. Initiate the movement smoothly, in a controlled fashion. Avoid any sudden movements.

6) Push-up Hold
Lie face down on the floor, with your legs straight and together. Set your hands beneath your chest, with your forearms parallel to each other and you hands a few inches apart.

Raise your body onto your elbow and knees (or elbows and feet, if your up for a bigger challenge), with your body forming a straight line from ankles to shoulders. (The line won't necessarily be parallel to the floor.) Hold for the prescribed duration, lower to the start position and repeat.
If you do these 6 exercises to lose stomach fat then by the end of the month, your stomach will not only be flatter but harder as well. They target your core and your obliques so they will get rid of love handles also.
Don't be embarrassed about your stomach fat love handles. If you want to get rid of stomach fat and love handles then you have the choice to right now.

If you think you can't do it, then have a read:
Ladies: Lose Love Handles [http://cljtoday.com/weightlosstips.html] Here
Men: Lose Love Handles [http://cljtoday.com/howtogetabs.html] Here
Read these inspiring success stories and change your life forever. Don't put up with that flabby excess weight anymore. Make a difference now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Lina_White/421126

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